Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I just see the world through rosy pink  prep colored glasses!  PREP-ALIKES!  You just never know where you'll see some cute classics!  They seem to call my name while shopping!  I'm rather critical of knock offs....but many times they amaze me.  I have to's like rubber-necking...but with cotton.  Call it cotton necking for PREP-ALIKES!   While shopping for a little Cinco de Mayo dinner with our family, i spotted some simple summer sunshine ideas!   i can spot the classics or prep at any price range...even in Stop &Shop

While the colors are classic beach prep and great for everyday at the beach if you don't have a cabana at the beach club on Chappy, you'll need a beach chair for the summer....and future summers. you'll love the basic RIO beach chairs.  For the old school prep, who may be very thrifty, the basic may last for years and years or until thread bare on the back porch.  While these are classics, the ultimate, the Nantucket Beach Chair might be great for the long haul or maybe on a wedding registry for fun!  When in doubt, always consider the lasting quality of L.L.Bean Beach Chairs or Lands End Beach Chairs.  Give them all a peek and consider your options.  Long term or short term investment?  Hard core beach bum or occasional day tripper?

These beach chairs below have great stripes and they are canvas...they're beautiful colors. The display isn't that creative and certainly doesn't show off the bold stripes and colors.

They did display with coordinated beach balls! 
This may not be L.L.Bean, but it sure looks has a traditional look....for less than $40.00 for the better chairs with the high back!

These are adorable for the backyard that needs some comfort and color.  The classic Adirondack Chair is really wood, but this one is a bit more whimsical....maybe at a summer house.  Actually, if they're in the backyard with the colors coordinated with the house and the other outdoor accessories, they'll add some zip.

Too bad these children's chairs don't coordinate, but they sure would be sweet on a porch for the kids at a little painted wooden table...something that the kids could enjoy and something that you wouldn't have to worry about.  Something at the right height for the little ones to sit and color or paint or eat when their friends are over....


Pink and green!  Who could ask for better summer colors.  Simply statement...for the family...or just the kids....still great classics...even without a name brand to advertise.

Pretty in Pink....for some extra flash...add some grosgrain bows to coordinate with your Lilly Pulitzer for the family!  Maybe you'll even see some Lilly PREP ALIKES out there!

Hot Pink Bandana Print

Turquoise Bandana Print

Blue and Green Polka Dots

Navy is ALWAYS crisp and clean.

Bright Red with White Stars can never go wrong, especially for the Fourth of July parade in Edgartown!

Fabulous Flip Flops for fun days at the beach or pool....coordinated for every bathing suit or cover up!  Ta Da!  Simply, the classics that can't be your money for something your Jack Rogers Sandals or Stephan Bonnano sandals.


Never go with army.  No matter what, the army fatigue look is no good for anyone's coloring.  It's no look for the beach for man or woman...blech!  Dreary colors for summer.  Never.  Never. Never.


It's the little things.  Coordinate.  No matter how much you have spent to put your look together, if you're wearing part city smarts and country/beach coordinates, you'll look like a wreck.  If your the intellectual professor prep type, do whatever you's way too much to try to coordinate when you have so much  going on in that brain.  Just keep your khakis on!


This isn't even a magazine that I read.  It's the madras that caught my eye!  Madras and summer and beach and prep and classic and traditional can't go wrong.  It's a great look for clothing or decorating or flip flops or cotton table cloths or your beach blanket.  Stick with the colors you love and the good ol' matter where you find them.  Balance out your bargains and basics and Brooks Brothers shopping bonanzas!  Don't ever skimp on the important pieces of your wardrobe or your home.....go for the bargains for the in betweens....keep a look out.....the PREP ALIKES are out there.  You just have to keep your eyes open and your taste refined.

I do think that i spotted a typo somewhere in here....and i just can't find it! Can you?  I believe that it was the word you're/your....incorrectly used...good may catch it before I do!

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