Navy and White is forever. Picking classics is relatively easy...especially if you stick with the basics. More than 30 years ago, The Gap began helping to narrow down the bizillion possibilities that we all had while out in the shopping world. The Gap originally was known for selling Levi's blue jeans. In the late 70's, there were many people relieved by The Gap's selection of the basics. There were the basics. There were different colors. There were different sizes. They had Men's, Women's and eventually, kids clothing called simply, Gap Kids. Later, they added "Baby Gap."
The Gap took over the world, or so it seemed. I was amazed how people quickly became followers of The Gap. The people I knew who were devoted Gap followers didn't really have a sense of style. The Gap helped them to develop their own safe style...or style within the Gap world anyway. The Gap has never been a bargain but many were relieved to pay the price for security. That is reasonable. Obviously, The Gap mushroomed throughout the United States and globally.
Then The Gap loyal customers began having babies. That's how Baby Gap was born! From there, they spun off into Old Navy, a more mid market "Gap." Back in those days, a friend from Saks Fifth Avenue was heading up that project. I remember thinking, huh? how will they get a lower level Gap?.....well, the rest is history. They too, were widely acclaimed by some.
Gap and Old Navy filled a need in the clothing world. Basics. Different quality than I was accustomed to, but some basics were very well done. The design team certainly has the eye! The windows on Madison Avenue lured us in as we walked home from Brooks Brothers to the Upper East Side!
So, below I have no Gap Photos. I have some basics. Just Blue and White...from random stores at the outlets. Just to give you a hint of how there are many places to find your look if you stick with the basics, you can't get lost and wander away from the classics! I hope!
Look out! Stars in Stripes!
Whether Ralph Lauren Polo, Hanna Andersson,
L.L. Bean,Target, Vineyard Vines

Absolutely adorable! Navy and White = Clean and Crisp! And this top is from, I can't believe it....I was there with my husband, buying Levi's 501, the classic blue jeans......the top is from the Levi's store at the outlets!!
More Stripes at Old Navy.
o.k. not great, but o.k. for the young ones....maybe with a little cotton white skirt or white shorts.
Blue Jean Baby!
A wonderful toss on over your L.L.Bean Norwegian Navy and White Birdseye Sweater .....or your boyfriend's ......your dad's or your husband's! Or wear their giant jean jacket!
On a damp night on the beach or in the fall....that jean jacket works....with everything. Great with Lilly Pulitzer White Denim Pants. (just sold a pair on e-bay! New With Tags!! NWT)
This little number is nothing to look at on the hanger and in the giant store. Imagine, for one moment, a college girl summering on Nantucket, riding her old bike down to the beach in Sconset....with little jean shorts and this top flowing....covering up her Navy and White bikini. Just a thought. That's just a thought. It's not for everybody...but it's classic and clean. Prep.
Fun Feet at Rue 21! Very cute simple basics...expect one season out of them...but what fun....if you can steer away from PREP DON'Ts!
J.Crew? Hollister? Rue 21? Where else was I with those shopporama drama teens? j.k. I'm trying to tell by the tags...the floor ...the table...and I truly can't tell the difference! It's just cotton...none of them will last forever....
The Eyes Have it With Eyelet!
Just the sweetest and neatest and summer crispiest!! Always refreshing! Eyelet...for teens or very trim 20 something...adorable. This is at Rue 21! Just a little something for that fresh summer something. The price is sweet and it's a great find...even if it's one season shopping! Flip flops, tennies or little sandals are all perfect with this little number! FUN PREP with some classics! Even Lilly Pulitzer has some lovely Eyelet ...even ruffles! This Rue 21 is probably less than the state tax of your Lilly!
Dot Your i's and CrossYour Tee's!
I think Navy with White Polka Dots is such fun...all of the time. When I see this cute skirt below, I think of a Preppy teen in great shape with great legs and adorable top....maybe a white fitted tee and with a white camisole. A strappy sandal in silver or white would be sweet too. Maybe with a white jean jacket from J.Crew or even Old Navy. There's always Levi's that can't be beat! That's in the outlet too.
The Skinny On Navy and White
Hollister at the outlets! Here are some fun beachy ideas. Navy and White can't be beat at the beach. Below, are some sheer-ish cotton wraps that are just great to cover up your sweet striped Navy and White bikini. They have a great look, even as a should wrap for a backyard bash. The look reminds me of the south of France, natural chic'! Really, I love the Pierre Deaux look of the prints. Pierre Deaux was another one of those Madison Avenue shops that called my name!
Keep in mind, non of these bits and bobs look half as nice on these schleppy, not Preppy, hangers....."no hanger appeal" said mummy!
Just the look. Simple and Classic. Navy and White, always right!

From Hollister Outlet Store....would look absolutely classic and pulled together with a great navy blue skirt...straight and short....maybe a little Navy with gold Jack Rogers or Stephen Bonanno Navajo sandals...a cute gold head band and you're good to go to the fireworks! Or make your own fireworks!
Stick with the classics...colors...lines...styles....and mix the quality names with some of the fun stuff from some of the places you would never dream of.....just have fun! That's the great mummy always said, "if you have taste, you can shop anywhere!" i and mix it up!
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